Tag Archives: Cattle

Do You Have Fence Power?

Gallagher Electric Fencing TestersGrass is the cheapest form of feeding livestock, so it makes sense to utilise every bit you grow. It makes even more sense to graze your paddocks in such a way as to almost “extend” your growing season and sustain your winter forage.

By using Electric Fencing you can rotate and rest paddocks to maintain livestock health.

The Basics on How to Maintain Your Electric Fence Continue reading

Cheaper Seed vs High Yield – What You Need to Know

RyegrassNew Pasture Seed Stocks are providing high yields and longer growing periods than traditional seed stocks like Tetila (US Seed Stock).

Although Tetila has been used widely in the Coffs Harbour and Nambucca Valleys, experienced seed brokers like Lachlan Jeffers from AusWest Seeds recommend other options for maximum yields and longevity from seed investment.

Here is Lachlan’s recommendations… Continue reading

Summer Rain, Cattle and Parasites – What You Need to Know

Summer Rain, Cattle and Parasites - What You Need to KnowKnow your Bovine Intestinal Parasites and stay on top of your herd.

The same general principles apply to dairy cattle, although the details may vary and, in addition, milk withholding periods of anthelmintics (especially flukicides) also need to be considered. The importance of various cattle worms in different climatic zones is summarised below.

A brief outline follows… Continue reading

What Should You Pay for your PHOSPHORUS this year?

Why use Phosphorus on pastures?

Bio Ag Phos Comparison ImagePhosphorus is one of the major plant nutrients in the soil. It is a constituent of plant cells, essential for cell division and development of the growing tip of the plant. For this reason it is vital for seedlings and young plants.

Deficiency symptoms
Without phosphorus, plant growth is retarded. Plants have Continue reading

Are Block based Supplements Effective?

Are Block based Supplements Effective?In the early 1920’s it was found that animals that were given separately protein, energy and minerals and allowed to decide the proportions of each ingredient for themselves, out-performed those that were fed a fully mixed “ideal” ration.

Even today, although soil and plant analysis is available, these tests have little correlation to what is happening in the animal. Individual animals in fact, need different combinations of nutrients on any one day.

Thus it has been found that Continue reading

Leptospirosis and You

What is Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis and YouLeptospirosis is a disease that is caused by a number of different bacteria called Leptospira. Leptospira bacteria have been found in both domestic and wild animals. Humans become infected through contact with water, food, or soil contaminated with urine from these infected animals. This may happen by swallowing contaminated food or water, through skin contact or contact with mucosal surfaces such as the eyes, mouth or nose. The disease occurs most commonly in people who are Continue reading

Fertilising Pastures & Forage Crops

North Coast Local Land Services recommended best practices for Fertilising Pasture

Pasture Northern Rivers NSWSoil deficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and molybdenum can limit plant growth. Soil analyses done well before planting, or plant tissue tests done to sort out nutrient deficiency symptoms, will aid fertilizer and lime application decisions. Talk to our friendly team for more detail.

Fertiliser recommendations in this guide are given as rates Continue reading

Not sure what sort of Hay to Feed?

Round Hay BaleWhat you need to know about Grass Hay

There are two main types of hay available to feed horses and cattle.  Whether they are in Round Bales or Square bales.  Lucerne Hay and Grass Hay being the most popular.

Lucerne Hay is a favourite for horses, and contains ample protein (between 15% – 18%).  For some horses this may be more than they require.  Meadow Hay or Grass Hay can average Continue reading