Tag Archives: pasture

2 Simple Steps to Improve Your Horse Pasture For Winter

Rye GrassFeeding stock over the Winter can be a costly time. So to improve your pastures over the Winter months, now is the time to invest in your paddocks to carry you through the colder drier months.

STEP 1 – Consider Using Soil Conditioners

For decades, the primary focus has been on the use ofNPK fertilisers, resulting in soil that is depleted of minerals and trace elements and an ever increasing dependence on water soluble fertilisers.

Soil scientists now believe Continue reading

Cheaper Seed vs High Yield – What You Need to Know

RyegrassNew Pasture Seed Stocks are providing high yields and longer growing periods than traditional seed stocks like Tetila (US Seed Stock).

Although Tetila has been used widely in the Coffs Harbour and Nambucca Valleys, experienced seed brokers like Lachlan Jeffers from AusWest Seeds recommend other options for maximum yields and longevity from seed investment.

Here is Lachlan’s recommendations… Continue reading

What Should You Pay for your PHOSPHORUS this year?

Why use Phosphorus on pastures?

Bio Ag Phos Comparison ImagePhosphorus is one of the major plant nutrients in the soil. It is a constituent of plant cells, essential for cell division and development of the growing tip of the plant. For this reason it is vital for seedlings and young plants.

Deficiency symptoms
Without phosphorus, plant growth is retarded. Plants have Continue reading

Is Mowing Advantageous To Pasture?

By Tania Cubitt, PhD

Benefits of Mowing Horse Pastures

Is Mowing Advantageous To Pasture“Mowing” is a term used to describe the cutting or trimming of grass. The mowing processcuts grass to a uniform height in a pasture or lawn. Do pastures, paddocks or fields used to graze horses require mowing? Is there a potential benefit of mowing? At what height do you mow pasture grass? Are there any risks associated with Continue reading

Fertilising Pastures & Forage Crops

North Coast Local Land Services recommended best practices for Fertilising Pasture

Pasture Northern Rivers NSWSoil deficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and molybdenum can limit plant growth. Soil analyses done well before planting, or plant tissue tests done to sort out nutrient deficiency symptoms, will aid fertilizer and lime application decisions. Talk to our friendly team for more detail.

Fertiliser recommendations in this guide are given as rates Continue reading

Horse Grazing Systems

Horse Grazing SystemsThe utilisation of grazing systems will maximise pasture production and extend the grazing season on your horse property. As a horse owner you need to regard your pasture in much the same way that a farmer would.

Utilizing grazing systems will have many benefits for you, your horses, your property and the wider environment. It will also reduce your feed bills and Continue reading