Why Rumen Microbes are Important To Your Herd

Megamin Cattle

The better we feed Rumen Microbes, the better we feed our animals…

Rumen microbes break down fibrous fodder and are essential to convert feed into energy.So what are Rumen Microbes and why are they important?

In addition rumen microbes containing 60% protein and when digested they provide the majority of the protein requirements for cattle and sheep.

Lack of protein and minerals in dry conditions or frost affected pasture decreases Rumen microbes activity slowing digestion down to the point that you’re stock are not able to consume enough dry feed to maintain body condition.

We all know that the more stock eat the more they produce, so as well as providing minerals and trace elements that are lacking in dry feed MegaMin protein supplements are formulated to stimulate Rumen microbes to increase forage digestion for extended periods of time, This facilitates your stock to increase their intake of dry fodder and to graze further afield.

TIP – Supplement Early to Avoid Loss of Condition

The onset of dry conditions can creep up. By monitoring manure a drop in feet quality can easily be identified, allowing the early introduction of supplements to increase intake of dry feed and to avoid loss of condition and fertility.

When manure starts to ‘stack up’, protein supplementation is required to assist Rumen functions

Flat-form pat indicate that protein supplements are working or that there is adequate protein in the pasture.

Feeding Rumen Microbes

Rumen microbes require protein (Nitrogen) to build up their numbers and urea (Non-Protein Nitrogen) is often the only source of Nitrogen provided in dry feed supplements. Because Rumen microbes rapidly break down the majority of this form of Nitrogen to Ammonia within 1 hour of consumption, optimum Rumen function is only maintained for a short period reducing the digestion of dry fodder.

Protected Protein provides extended Rumen Stimulation

The advantage of protected protein meal contained in MegaMin protein supplements is that this protein breakdown slowly, taking 20 + hours to break down in the rumen.

Protected protein provides a sustained source of ammonia for the rumen microbes to reproduce, enhancing the rate of digestion and stimulating appetite to keep the animal effectively grazing for up to 24 hours before it needs more protein.

Vitamins A, D and E

Vitamins are essential for normal growth and maintenance in ruminants. Vitamins a D&D are involved in a number of significant functions and are required for specific metabolic reactions. They play key roles, both directly and indirectly, in reproduction, fertility, vision, growth, metabolism, health and immunity.

Extended dry periods can deplete vitamin levels and while significant deficiencies may be uncommon, marginal deficiencies are more likely and can lead to loss of appetite, reduce growth and feed utilisation, which may result in loss in weight full stop


Rumensin has been proven to improve to improve feed efficiency and weight gain in cattle, assisting to maximize the return on investment for your supplementation program. Rumensin also aids in prevention and control of Coccidiosis in grazing cattle.

With a combination of protected protein meal, urea, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and Rumensin MegaMin Graze and Grow is particularly beneficial for stock grazing dry pasture during winter conditions and it’s also beneficial as a year-round production support for young stock.

For more information on cattle feed supplements talk to our friendly team in store…



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