All grasses and pastures respond well do a targeted fertilizer. Key to growth and quality is Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. Below is an overview of products for Grass and Pastures.
Tag Archives: grazing
Why Rumen Microbes are Important To Your Herd
The better we feed Rumen Microbes, the better we feed our animals…
Rumen microbes break down fibrous fodder and are essential to convert feed into energy.So what are Rumen Microbes and why are they important? Continue reading
Electric Fencing 1.0 – A Simple Guide to How an Electric Fence Works
Every man and their dog claims to know how an electric fence works… But few actually get it right.
Electric Fence manufacturer, Gallagher was founded by Bill Gallagher, and in part his horse Joe (who used the family car as a scratching post). Tired of Joe’s antics, Continue reading
Why you need to plan for Winter Pasture Improvement
Winter time is the most critical period for pasture because even where the rainfall is adequate, low temperatures will slow pasture growth.
January and February are the months to start planning for Winter pastures, with sowing commencing in March.
Pasture growth is vigorous on Continue reading
Fertilising Pastures & Forage Crops
North Coast Local Land Services recommended best practices for Fertilising Pasture
Soil deficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and molybdenum can limit plant growth. Soil analyses done well before planting, or plant tissue tests done to sort out nutrient deficiency symptoms, will aid fertilizer and lime application decisions. Talk to our friendly team for more detail.
Fertiliser recommendations in this guide are given as rates Continue reading
How to Make the Most of Your Grass
Grass is the cheapest form of feeding cows, so it makes sense to utilise every bit you grow. It makes even more sense to Continue reading
Horse Grazing Systems
The utilisation of grazing systems will maximise pasture production and extend the grazing season on your horse property. As a horse owner you need to regard your pasture in much the same way that a farmer would.
Utilizing grazing systems will have many benefits for you, your horses, your property and the wider environment. It will also reduce your feed bills and Continue reading