Category Archives: Cattle

Paramatta Grass – What You Can Do

Giant Parramatta GrassWhat is Paramatta Grass & Why is it so prolific?

Giant Parramatta grass is a coarse tussocky grass, 70-160 cm in height. The seed head is up to 40 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. Stems grow in a fan-like arrangement and the leaf-sheaths are folded. Leaf blades are up to 50 cm long and 1.5–5 mm wide. Its flower head is a dark, slaty green, dense, spike-like panicle 25-45 cm long, with branches usually lax at maturity, and sometimes diverging slightly. The spikelets are 1.5-2 mm long.

Why is it worth removing Paramatta Grass?

Parramatta grass can dramatically decrease economic viability of grazing land and lower land values, by reducing viable carrying capacity and decreased production by up to Continue reading

Botulism, it won’t happen to me, or will it!

Botulism in CattleRobbie Gordon wouldn’t wish his last few weeks on anyone.

The dairy farmer from Grevilia, near Kyogle on the North Coast, has watched helplessly as 98 of his dairy cows have died from Botulism by eating contaminated silage.

While the tests are not conclusive, it seems a small animal or snake may have died and rotted in the stored silage, producing the potent botulinum toxin.

“The vets told me there’s nothing you can do once the cows are affected, just watch them die – it’s absolutely devastating,” Mr Gordon said.

“I still can’t sleep. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” Mr Gordon said he wanted to “shout from the highest mountain” Continue reading